Tasting Pack 4 varieties of Artajo Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil 8

ARTAJO 8 Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil – 4 cans of 250 ml
- Capacity: 1 L
- Acidity: <0.2°
- Variety: Arbequina / Koronéiki / Manzanilla / Blend of Changlot Real and Arbosana
Tasting pack of four varieties of Artajo 8 in a 250 ml box. Perfect for getting started with tasting organic extra virgin olive oil and to have a variety to accompany each of your dishes...
Varieties cultivated and produced on the estate in Navarre.
- Arbequina: Salads, gazpachos, tomato toasts.
- Koroneiki: Citrus fruits, endive salad, artichoke and red tuna.
- Manzanilla Cacereña: Asparagus, cold creams and white fish.
- Assembly of Changlot Real and Arbosana: Cheese, mushroom and leaf salads