Egiazki liqueurs – The real Basque liqueurs – are produced by hand in the northern Basque country by two passionate young Basques. We have selected the following Egiazki liqueurs for you:
Egiazki liqueur with wild sloe: Egiazki Patxarana
Patxaran Egiazki is a liqueur made from wild sloes macerated in homemade anisette.
The Egiazki patxaran or Egiaki patxarana in Basque won the gold medal at the 2018 Epicures Prize
Egiazki liqueur with fresh mint: MENTA
Egiazki Fresh Mint Liqueur is made with two types of mint, one peppery and the other green, which gives a liqueur that is both sweet and spicy with real character.
Egiazki green apple liqueur: MANZANA
Freshness and sweetness characterize the Egiazki green apple liqueur. Apple aromas and a perfectly balanced sweetness make this liqueur a quality alternative to Manzana liqueurs on the market.
Feijoa Egiazki Liqueur: JINKOA
Egiazki de Feijoa or guava liqueur is made from feijoas grown in the Basque Country. This Basque liqueur will surprise you with its exotic aromas and fruity tones.
Egiazki wild apple liqueur: PATXAKA
The Basque Country is famous for its apple growing and cider production. The excellent Egiazki liqueur of wild apples also called patxaka is a refined liqueur that will delight the most discerning palates.
Egiazki liqueurs can be consumed as an aperitif but they will be perfect as a digestif. After tasting the Egiazki patxaran and other Egiazki digestifs, their liqueurs will become regulars at the end of your meals with friends or family.
Egiazki spirits are made in the Basque Country with quality local products, wild or locally grown. Egiazki patxaran is part of our top 5 of the best Patxaran .
EGIAZKI Point of sale
Egiazki spirits are available locally if you live in the Basque country but you can also make the Freskoa store your favorite Egiazki point of sale. And who knows, maybe you will soon be able to find your favorite Egiazki digestifs in the Freskoa store.