Which olive oil to choose?

What variety of olive oil to buy?
What is the best oil? Which variety of olive to choose?
Knowing that Freskoa offers 5 varieties of olive oil and a blend, it is legitimate to ask this question. The simplest answer could be "all", because thanks to their own organoleptic qualities, each variety of oil ensures an ideal food-oil pairing depending on each dish.
We will still give you some simple principles that will allow you to choose your olive oil best according to your tastes and use.
Mandatory information:
First of all, we advise you to read the labels carefully because the mandatory information does not allow you to assess the quality of an "olive juice" worthy of the name.
Here are some things to consider:
Harvest date:
It is recommended to consume extra virgin olive oil within the year it is produced. Like any juice, the fresher it is, the better its taste and the better its qualities.
Cold extraction:
To be eligible for the term "cold extraction" the temperature must not exceed 27°C during the production process. Cold extraction allows the taste of the olive oil to be well preserved.
For the oils we offer at Freskoa, the olives and the extraction paste are kept at a temperature below 18°C, guaranteeing ideal preservation of the freshness of the olive.
This is another important element to assess the quality of extra virgin olive oil. All our oils have an acidity of less than 0.2º, a sign of good practices on the estate and during production.
The flavors:
What do you prefer? Herbal, sweet fruit or dried fruit flavors?
Not to mention the specificities of each olive variety, the maturity of the olive at the time of harvest strongly influences the result in terms of flavors. The greener the olive and the earlier the harvest, the more concentrated the aromas of green fruits and herbs, which is perfect for cold use for your seasonings. Freskoa offers the Artajo 10 range which requires 10 kg of green olives to produce one liter of olive oil.
When the olive is more mature, the aromas tend towards dried fruits, the intensity of the fruitiness is softened. This type of oil is only dedicated to cooking.
In between, the olives are harvested in veraison, which allows to obtain a fruity aroma suitable for both raw and cooking. This versatile oil is recommended for its excellent value for money. Freskoa offers the Artajo 8 range which requires 8 kg of semi-green olives to produce one liter of olive oil.
What do you prefer? More bitterness or more sweetness in the mouth?
At this stage, in addition to maturity, the variety influences the bitterness or sweetness of the olive oil in the mouth. The Arbosana, Arbequina and Manzanilla Cacereña varieties tend to be sweeter than the Arróniz, Coupage and Koroneiki varieties, which have a very interesting touch of bitterness.
What do you prefer? Spicy or lighter?
Bitterness and spiciness are positive attributes of extra virgin olive oil, and depend on the type of variety. All of those we offer have a slight spicy touch, more marked in the native Basque variety Arróniz and the Coupage blend.